
To best enjoy this blog please imagine that it is being read in the deep voice of popular offbeat comedian Matt Berry, who you may have enjoyed in television programmes such as The IT Crowd and The Mighty Boosh:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqDbb7-dn9A

Oh, and if you like what you read, please subscribe.

Friday 29 March 2013

New Blog!

Dear readers (or possibly reader), I have recently started a new blog at http://thebasingstokebale.wordpress.com/  and would love it if you would take a look and maybe even subscribe. I'm hoping to delve into some deeper issues, and take a closer look at how politics affects my local area. I will try to carry on contributing to Observations of an Amateur Pop Culture Critic, but plan on focusing my attention on the new wordpress.

Many thanks

Jack Irwin

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